What the men say
Why did you join the Programme?
What were your expectations before joining?
What’s it like being in the programme?
What changes have you noticed in yourself?
How is the online experience?
What’s it like working with Yaron?
What would you tell your younger self about joining the programme?

“Redefining who I am as a MAN had profound consequences. Both in my confidence and in Self-realisation. I feel I have now tapped into my Power which was – strangely – always there, but frustratingly inaccessible. The group provided me a safe environment with continuous, honest feedback from my peers on my progress through the months. This allowed me to open up more, communicate braver and better, to stand up more when required, and have a more noticeable presence in my interactions and relationships.”

“Having discussions with men within the group encouraged me to take things much more seriously with my health. I changed my diet and I’ve lost three stone. Before the programme I didn’t really do any exercise but now exercise is part of my daily routine. I’m walking a lot more and I’ve become much more physical. I go out into nature and I climb mountains, which is something I had never even thought about before joining the group.”

“The biggest changes I’ve seen in myself as a result of the work we’ve done are:
• Slowing down mentally, emotionally
• Being more effective in dealing with my stress and tension
• Being more open to being challenged and receiving feedback
• Being more focused on attaining specific goals within my business
• Utilising my team more, rather than doing it all myself’
• Digging deeper and being more consistent with a spiritual practice and spiritual work.”

“Yaron gets deep into the core of a situation instead of being fluffy around the issue. He comes with brutal love in an honest and caring way that leaves me focused without feeling stranded. His vulnerable side comes across and gives me and other men in a group space to also be that vulnerable. His ability to feel the dynamics and temperature of everyone in the group and find a cohesion for us to move forwards, but also really tap into our individual needs is a skill that is really commendable.”

“I realised how important it is to have a close circle that holds me accountable for my actions and is there to listen if I need it (even if I don’t know that I need it). I had the chance to dig deep into the psyche of 7 incredible men, helping me to rebuild the foundations of my own authenticity. I learned:
• To give structure to my thoughts and needs and rediscovered my core values.
• What it means to have healthy boundaries and what the difference between serving and pleasing is.
• To let go and surrender, while staying true to my own inner voice.”

“Three weeks after the program finished I am feeling the ripple effect of the last 10 months work. This week has seen a massive unexpected challenge in business. I have faced it positively and calmly. Prior to the program I would have felt very negative, angry, confused and bitter. I now see it as an opportunity. The work we did in the group has been life changing.”

“Because of this work I made peace with who I was and that affected all my relationships, specially with my partner. It has been really meaningful to me to be able to establish a partnership based on mutual respect, admiration and trust.”

“I am much more confident in myself. I know myself better and am more comfortable in my skin. I know that intentional change for the better is possible and that I can safely trust my own answers and be open enough to listen to others suggestions.”

“This work has given me access to knowledge and tools that have improved my life dramatically, challenging me to step up and face it with full presence. I feel stronger, clearer, more committed and more honest.”